March Interview of Mr. Potato (Or as he prefers Spud)

Uh March, the month of green shamrocks and potatoes.  Potatoes?  Yes, that starchy tuber was at one time a major food source to the Irish.  March is the perfect month to celebrate this super stable.

Rich in energy-providing carbohydrates with zero fat the potato is America’s answer to quick and creative cooking ideas.

A potatoes healing abilities start in the peel.  A  baked 7-ounce spud contains more than twice the potassium of one medium-size banana.

The potato is everywhere you look but unfortunately he is still confined to rumors that is best eaten: Fried.

I recently caught up with Mr. Potato cozy in his large space inside Safeway ‘s produce bin.

Q.  The fact that you share your bin close to the sweet potato does that mean you are related?

A.  Actually, expect in name the sweet potato and I are not related.  I mean puh-leeze can’t you tell with that intense lush orange color that she is a member of the morning glory family?

Q.  I have heard that sweet potatoes are loaded with beta carotene, Vitamin A, hence their brilliant orange color.

A.  Yeah, what is your point?

Q.  I just wondered if you might be a little fried over that?

A.  Hey, I thought this interview was about me.   And my relatives, round reds, yellow flesh, blue, purple, russets, long whites (deep breath), etc?

Q.  Yes, you’re quite right.  Let’s start with you Mr. Potato.  Are you considered a “waxy” or “floury” type of potato.  I have heard these terms describe the texture of a potato.

A.  OK.  I want you to get this straight.  This is very important.  Waxy:  Denotes low-starch, high water content.  These waxy potatoes keep their shape when cooked.  They  are my cousins, the red and white potato.

Q.  I see.   Mr…Ummm, can I just call you, Spud?

A.  Of course, of course, I don’t usually get to baked about people using my nickname.

Q.  Spud, please describe “floury” potatoes.

A.  We will always have our differences but the floury potato denotes high in starch and low in water.  This is because heir sugar content has converted to starch by the time the potato is harvested.  These potatoes “fluff” when baked or other words just call them Russets.

Q.  Do I see a little green envy around your eyes?

A.   Psst, come a little closer and I’ll show ya.  OK NOT THAT CLOSE!  My skin… and now, I don’t want you to lose any peel over this, but it has been over-exposed to light.  Which can sometimes cast a green tint of color.

Q.  Oh, I see…does that make you bitter?

A.  Noooooo, just cut away the green portion before cooking.

Q.   Talking of cooking.  I hear that you are absolutely your best fried or in a potato salad.

A.  Geeez!  When are you people going to realize that I can be whipped, scalloped, AuGratin, and mashed and soooooo much more?

Q.   Mashed?

A.  It is easy.  But some people get twice-baked about it. Let me explain.  On your stove top in a saucepan, combine potatoes and enough salted water to cover, bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and cook until tender; drain.  If cooking whole potatoes, allow 30 t0 40 minutes; if cut -up potatoes, allow 20 minutes.  Using a potato masher or electric mixer, mash potatoes.  Mix in, Now this is the most important part – always use WARM milk or cream.  Add butter to taste.

Q.  Recently, a friend informed me that you hope customers here at Safeway will keep you in the dark.  Just, what does that mean?

A.  The reason. .  I didn’t want you to get to close to me, earlier, was because I’v e got a …sprout.

Q.  Oh.

A.  Yeah, if you don’t keep me in a cool (40F to 50F) dry, dark place to protect me from light exposure…I grow sprouts.  But, just knock ’em off and prepare me anyway.  I always taste fine.

Q.  Well, I’ve leaned bushels about potatoes today.   Thank you, Spud.